My husband of 37 years beat Colon Cancer 10 years ago, but the resultant medical bills caused us to lose everything. We managed to survive check to check and then my husband retired. I also took early retirement, but work part time as well. With my earnings, and social security, we make just enough to cover basic living expenses. What we weren't prepared for was my husband being diagnosed with prostate cancer, and the fact that Medicare doesn't cover everything. His medications alone have caused us to go into debt. Our credit isn't good enough for a loan, and no one we know can help. I'm trying to raise $5000 to get out of debt and hopefully provide a cushion against any further unexpected "surprises". I would appreciate any help I could receive, however, no matter how small. Thanks for your consideration.
I'm ending this at the end of this month as there are obviously more important things to donate to here thany request. If anyone would still care to help, it would of course be welcome, nothing has changed, in fact it has worsened.
Well, it just keeps getting better..
just lost my part time job a week ago (right before Xmas and my bday). Putting out apps left and right; but tough to get jobs at my age. Any help greatly appreciated.
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Reply from Julia Williams2 years ago
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Thank you so very much. I hope to pay it forward in the future.