Never say never, best way to describe my life. I have had a series of misfortunate events that include broken hearts, lonely nights, and fresh starts and leaves me wondering what now. I came to California for a nurse position with a travel agency with hopes of making a life for myself. I needed a change and Cali was it. It was bittersweet leaving Texas, my two girls are there and I miss them but EVERYTHING else I was happily leaving behind. So on my own with no family, friends, kids, not even the dog came with me, I made the move. About 6 weeks in I caught COVID. Instantly things changed. No work no income. I don’t know what to do. I’m out here alone, in a new town and COVID +. Nobody wants to even talk to me let alone hire me. And then my car breaks down. I cry a lot but I have to believe things will be ok. Rent is up on the 1st and then I’m homeless too. Just know that I have been praying for help so if that’s who is reading this then THANK YOU 🙏🏼
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