First Responders
Honor Chairs for your fallen brothers and sisters.
First Responders
Created March 7th, 2024

Saving A Hero's Place honors the memory of our nation's fallen heroes by building custom wood memorial chairs known as honor chairs and donating them to the agencies where they once served. We have donated over 275 honor chairs across 29 states to date. We also have a chair inside the National Law Enforcement Museum, the Texas Ranger Museum, and the US Capitol. The honor chairs are meant to serve as a permanent place of reverence so that they always have a place within their department. We want to make sure their name and legacy never dies. Each year, our goal is to do a minimum of 50 honor chairs for fallen heroes across the country. Each honor chair is custom built by first responders, family, and survivors. Each chair is custom to the fallen hero. To save the place of your fallen brothers and sisters, we must get the materials, build the chair, and travel to get the chair to each agency. Most of the honor chairs are built on-location at each department so that fellow comrades and family can participate in saving the place of their loved one. To make this possible, we need your help to fund this mission. With your help, we can continue to keep their legacies alive, without requiring the department to donate a single dime. With this goal, we will be able to make a huge impact and grow. This will allow even more heroes to be honored. For more information about us, please visit

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$0 raised of $10,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Tommy Capell
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Saving A Hero's Place
Fundraiser Stats
335 Days