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Average donation on our platform: $77 Highest donation on this fundraiser: $1,000
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Fund the First Logo
$1,000 raised of $65,000 goal
Campaign Organizer
Gregory Demetriou
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Lorraine Gregory Communications
Top Brass
Donate $5,000

Top Brass are dedicated to bringing hope to the brothers and sisters in uniform. The sights, sounds and experiences that cause PTSD can be dark and deep. Without hope our brothers and sisters are lost. All Top Brass donors will be listed prominently on the #JustOne documentary credits.

Donate $1,000

Chief donors understand the potential PTSD suffering of those in uniform. They chose to support #JustOne to give hope battling the demons.

Donate $100

Warriors are aware of the need for hope in PTSD sufferers. Hope is needed to repel the visions, sounds and experience they have endured. #JustOne documentary will tell the stories of those who have battled the demons and won. Help us win more or even #JustOne.

Donate $50

The Troops are the army that will bring hope to those first responders, military veterans, and law enforcement brothers and sisters who need reinforcements.