First Responders
911 Dispatcher Needs Help For Daughter's Chest Surgery
First Responders
Created February 2nd, 2023

Our 14yr old daughter Maylee has a condition called Pectus Excavatum. Basically her sternum has caved in on her heart and lungs causing decreased blood flow out of her heart and her lungs not to be able to expand properly. She will need surgery to place 2-3 bars between her heart and sternum to lift her sternum off of her heart and lungs. (Called the NUSS procedure) This is a very rough surgery, considered one of the toughest they do on a kid.  She will not be able to push, pull or lift anything or lay down flat for 3 months. 

We started this page to help us pay for our travel to Cincinnati Children’s Chest Wall Center in Ohio (we live in Indiana - 2 hours away) for testing and surgery and things she will need such as a motorized recliner. (She will not be allowed to put any weight on her hands or twist/turn or lay down making a smooth recliner a necessity) Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this. Thank you!! 

Donations & Comments

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Betsy Wright
Betsy Wright donated $100

Praying for you all.

1 year ago
Gregg Oppel
Gregg Oppel donated $50
1 year ago
Ron B
Ron B donated $100
1 year ago
Stacey Elkins
Stacey Elkins donated $75
1 year ago

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911 Dispatcher Needs Help For Daughter's Chest Surgery
$325 raised of $10,000 goal
4 Donations
Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Michael Wheatley
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Michael Wheatley
Fundraiser Stats
735 Days