First Responders
Twin boys need legal assistance to fight board of education issues.
First Responders
New York
Created October 8th, 2022

My twin boys who just turned 4 years old have been battling with issues from our Department of Education since a year ago from today (when they just turned 3).  One of my boys were getting hurt in school because he was being neglected.  After speaking to the director of the school (who did nothing), I then reached out to the Board of Education to assist in either changing schools or making sure my kid was no longer getting hurt in school.  Because the staff member in charge of the pre-K program was friends with the director of the school, they immediately turned on both of my boys.  They insisted to place my kids in a restrictive class and that he should wear a helmet (mind you he never got hurt at home).  The Board of Ed. brought a lawyer to the meeting (which we were unaware of) and we were attacked by 6 people in meeting against unprepared parents just trying to help their sons.  Fast forward and we have been neglected services and now that they are starting the next year of Pre-K (Pre-K4), the district will not allow us to attend schools that fit the needs of my kids but keep pointing us in the direction of where they want us to go.  They have even located my kids this year in a school that is not their zoned school as we were told their zone school only has 1 class (yet in the past they were in the same class together and now they cannot be).  In  March 2022, we went to the mayor of our town but I found out in my town that the mayor does not have control over the Board of Education like in some cities.  There is a lot more detail in between that the Board of Education has done but this is just to get the idea of what is happening.  We are in need of legal representation but we cannot afford it.  We are looking to raise money so we can hire a lawyer who can make sure that the Board of Education cannot get away with the lies they have told us on what is allowed for our children and stop them from hurting my children's education.  Thank you so much.

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Twin boys need legal assistance to fight board of education issues.
$0 raised of $30,000 goal
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Fund the First Logo
Campaign Organizer
Donte Alarcon
Campaign Beneficiary
Beneficiary Photo
Donte Alarcon
Fundraiser Stats
851 Days